Telegram X is the official (yes, you read that right) client spawned by no less than the original Telegram itself; here to offer users a...
5.1 M downloads
Nicegram: AI Chat for Telegram is an instant messaging app that uses the Telegram API as the basis for sending and receiving messages. This app...
58.2 k downloads
Instagram is a social media platform where you can connect with a large community of users through photos and videos. You can intuitively and easily...
343.4 M downloads
Facebook is the official app of this popular social network owned by the North American conglomerate Meta. It is a social media platform with over...
404.3 M downloads
Facebook Lite is the reduced Lite version of the popular app owned by the North American conglomerate Meta. Unlike the standard version of the official...
285.7 M downloads
TikTok (Asia) is a social network that lets you create and share fun music videos with your friends and followers. To use the app, simply...
100.8 M downloads
Threads is Meta's alternative to Twitter. Here, you can use your Instagram account and keep your username to participate in the community, join all kinds...
1.6 M downloads
Snapchat is an app that keeps you in touch with friends and family thanks to its interactive multimedia messaging system. Share your favorite events live...
358.2 M downloads
Instagram Lite is the official Instagram app you've been waiting for, if you were looking for a miniaturized version of this ubiquitous social network. Weighing...
13.2 M downloads
Honista is an alternative Instagram client, which provides several additional features you won't find on the official client. Aside from these new features, the app...
2.4 M downloads